Our tutors are handpicked volunteers, therefore we have the ability to offer lower rates. Our current price is $20 / hour and every dollar we profit is donated to brain research at https://www.bafound.org/
Hours Tutored: 300+
Hours Tutored: 300+
Availble Tutors: 20+
Money Raised: $8500+
Our tutors are handpicked volunteers, therefore we have the ability to offer lower rates. Our current price is $20 / hour and every dollar we profit is donated to brain research at https://www.bafound.org/
With the multitude of tutors at your service, we are both flexible and lenient with sheduling. We offer both in person and online classes. We can do indiviual tutoring and group tutoring. We are able to cater to your child's specific needs.
Our tutors are highly qualified to tutor. Each tutor is screened for grades, experience working with children, and general attitude. If you do not like your chosen teacher, you are have the ability to switch to another at no additional charge.
Our staff is highly respondent in checking emails and responding to questions. We are available at any moment to assist you with any need.